Sunday, November 16, 2008

Crap, trash and blah blah blah!!!

I was thinking of honing my writing skills (!) once more, so, I embarked upon a journey through this piece............

Now, when I have decided to write something, I need a subject to write, that could be anything on earth. I can write about my impeccable attribute of making things complicated, be it words or actions, or be it my nonsense kind of humour , or may be a grief ridden heart (so silly!), of my personal demons ( I lovingly call my bad habits) or it may be some real (as if I don’t exist in reality) issue that’s bothering me.

Or it can be my confusions, my indecisiveness, my avoidance nature or my so hyped insecurities.

I am pondering though.....

Does it look humorous? I try not to be, coz, my humour is incredible!!!!!!!!!!!! Rather inscrutable. (Keep the open in the next tab, baby, it’s not going to be smooth.)

So, is it a testimonial to my fickle mindedness?? Well...Well... don’t be judgemental so soon. Let me judge first.

For the readers who tolerated me till these words, thanks a lot buddies, and you know, you could have suffered the concentration camps as well (complement buddies, take it) ...You really have balls.

Well let me be candid and admit there might be some constructional error (grammatical mistakes, yaar) so please let me know, let me learn the language dear, don’t be so mean!

You could rightly have said, hey man, cut all these crap short, if I’d give you a chance. No chance dear, you all are pretty good at ‘chance-pe-dance’.

I can’t be harsh on my readers, what can you do now, either you can click the next blog link/close the window or can stay put and test your enduring ability.

“Oh god, what these guy is up to, is he trying to do a sequel to Bheja Fry on computer screen”, you might ask God, but, I know he is playing for me now, so, he decides to remain silent.

Good God! Let me get better!

Shall I do it now or test more of you? I can carry a bit more, I believe and you are not going to stop me, will you? Who cares???

I do, definitely...........

It was just to remind us that at times craps takes all the worries off your mind, it helps you to unwind, and it keeps you busy in a disgusting way and waste your invaluable time.

Love you though, and request you to comment, coz, I owe you....